19 December 2024


Chinese sword dance art developed from Wushu Taolu.

During the Han dynasty, sword training evolved into a form of entertainment and dance art. Along with Wushu Taolu, Jianshu developed as peaceful martial dance art training without violence.

Later in the Tang dynasty, sword dance became a kind of social atmosphere, people often doing sword dance performance in banquet parties, ceremonies and various festivals.


Originally called as Iaijutsu, Iaido is the art of drawing the sword. Iaido is one of many martial art disciplines in the education of the classical Japanese warrior (Samurai / Bushi).

The earliest documentation that prove the Samurai practiced Iaijutsu is dated from the 15th century, developed from Kenjutsu sword fighting skill. Later in 1932, modern Iaido name used by Nakayama Hakudo (founder of Muso Shinden Ryu school).

Aikido Aikikai

Martial dance art created by Morihei Ueshiba in 1942. Unlike other martial dance arts, Aikido Aikikai fighting choreo always performed by 2 martial dancers because it move mainly based on throws and locks.

Ueshiba developed Aikikai Aikido in the late 1920s through the synthesis of the older martial arts that he had studied. The main core of Ueshiba’s martial art is Daito Ryu Aikijutsu, which Ueshiba learned directly from Takeda Sokaku.

25 November 2024

Modern Shooting

Shooting is modern competitive sport involving proficiency tests of accuracy, precision and speed. The art of using long range weapons developed from traditional bow archery, crossbow archery and then modern shooting sport using handgun and rifle.

The history of modern shooting sport began in America before wild west era. Target shooting was a favorite sport in colonial America, with the New England Puritans regularly testing their shooting skills for recreation and at militia training days. German gunsmiths in Pennsylvania began to manufacture Flintlock rifles in the 1720s, which became especially popular among hunters because of its long-range accuracy.

Slingshot Archery

A slingshot or catapult is a small hand-powered projectile weapon. The classic form consists of a Y-shaped frame, with two rubber strips or tubes attached to the upper two ends.

Slingshot was used for combat, shooting the fruits on high tree and hunting small animals.

Crossbow Archery

Newer archery weapon developed from traditional bow.

During ancient warfare eras, crossbow was used for defensive and support role. Crossbow users can carry more arrows because those length are shorter than traditional arrows, but crossbow is slower to be reloaded because it string heavier than traditional bow, it need two hands to pull it string.

Bow Archery

Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows.

Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. The oldest ancient archery artifact was found in South African sites like Sibudu Cave, where likely arrowheads have been found, dating from approximately 72.000-60.000 years ago.

In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. Today, there are various styles of archery.

Bow Archery is the most traditional form of archery using traditional bow.

During ancient warfare eras, bow was used for offensive role. Bow was used to raid the enemy directly, because it string can be pulled only with one hand so the archer can shoot the arrows and reload it quickly.

24 November 2024

David vs Goliath Situation

In general martial art tournaments, classes divided based on body weight, not height. That why “David vs Goliath Situation” often happen everywhere, not only in real street fight situation.

The fact is, every sizes have their own strength and weakness. For examples:

Tall fighters have longer reach, they can hit shorter opponents from long range. But their fatal weakness is they can’t protect low area well (bowing / ducking to covering your low area is more difficult than protecting your head).

Short fighters have shorter reach, they must closing the distance first to hit taller opponent. But short fighters can moving and slip easier than taller opponent, so they more agile in close range combat than tall fighters.

So the conclusion is, win or lose is depend on your skill (and luck).